Sunday Souvenirs // 4

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Happy Sunday, friend!

This week has felt like this:


That constant feeling of, "Wow I should be doing something but I can't quite put my finger on it." Not "busy" per say, but scattered. And for me, scattered brain leads to napping. So we've also done some of that.

But we've got time for it all. Take what you need: Naps, second cups of coffee, 10 pushups, time laying outside, or an extra-long call to a friend. I think we've moved past the prescriptive "What You SHOULD Be Doing In Quarantine" time and are now in the "Fuggit, just keep your head above water, ok?" time. Even though this is a universal experience, the individual context for that experience offers a lot of leeway for different ways of coping. We will get through this. There is a future to look forward to.

Trust that I'm doing my best for me right now and I'll trust that you're doing your best, too.

Here are some interesting things that I’ve enjoyed this week:


I've been cleaning out the  kitchen and relate to this Bon Appetit At Home video... what's the oldest thing in YOUR pantry? (YouTube)
(Mine is a jar of German honey. 15 years.)


This might be my favorite weekly playlist in a while! Check it out on Spotify.


Get a poem in your inbox each morning. 

Mad Max: Fury Road is one of my favorite films, and this oral history of the production was so fascinating! (NYTimes)

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From the "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY" file:  Tiwa-Select Japanese goods

Related: the full 1976 Japanese motorcycle film "Godspeed You! Black Emperor"  (YouTube)

Make your own Penguin Classics book cover! Here's mine:

Have a wonderful week! Take care!

