Sunday Souvenirs // 5

Sunday Souvenirs - BLOG.png


I talk about this a lot, so bear with me if you've heard this one before:
You contain multitudes.
You are a complex and dynamic character.
Anyone who expects you to fit in a box and never change are out of touch with reality. 
(one more and this one is mostly for me, but it can be for you, too)
There's not one right way to do slow living.

I have been mulling over the niche that I have found for myself in the slow and sustainable lifestyle world. I like it, it's nice, it has pretty pictures. But I have a little bit of imposter syndrome because I am not a mother, I only occasionally wear dresses, I'm a terrible gardener and my plates are rarely photogenic. I would rather wear raw denim, ride motorcycles, and talk about Mississippian death cults. But it's still a slow life. I still try to move through the world with kindness, mindfulness, and intention. And that’s what matters.

Marketing experts would say that I'm asking a lot from you, to be here for both the sustainable living, slow travel AND all the wild hooligan parts, too. But I think I'm on the right track with sharing all these facets of myself with you for the same reason I believe in the existence of aliens:
The Universe is too big for me to be alone out here.

So hands up if you're a complicated creature who likes things that shouldn't "go together," wants to explore both the light and the dark within, and savors this intricate life that we are all living!

Flex all your different sides with some gems from around the internet:


A great profile on Phoebe Bridgers - great read whether or not you know her music (New Yorker)
LIVE SLOW - GO FAST - motorcycles and slow living this week on the blog


David Bowie on why you shouldn't change what you do to suit what people expect (YouTube)
If you need a good cry: The Neighbor's Window is a lovely short film based on a Love + Radio story (Youtube)


In honor of Gemini season, this week’s playlist is all over the place. Check it out on Spotify.


Join the Soapbox Project Changeletter to receive weekly information on how to take action for the causes you love to support! 

HELP ME HELP YOU! (And be entered to win a block print!)

I would love if you would complete a little survey on e-learning and what sort of services might be most helpful to you. As a thank-you for your input, you can add your email to be entered to win one of my linocut prints. (One entry per person)

Have a wonderful week! Take care!

